

Nostalgia - Barsaat (Rain)
फिरसे ओ सावन अब क्यों न आये
(it means why is that rain not coming again now)

As she embraced me from behind pressing her firm breasts reassuringly against my back
We cuddled and watched the pouring rain
With no care to the world
We floated Paper boats on the muddy rain water with our names written on it
My name got soaked in the pouring rain and my boat got sucked into a whirlpool of muddy water and went down the nearby drain
Hers floated away merrily merrily down the stream of rain water
I even steadied it for her, and I did row row row her boat gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream
Our dreams fell apart
But my nostalgia for that rain remains alive forever

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© Sudhi