

Midnight touch

Aye aye captain
as joy comes at the end of each sail so is there sweet joy waiting by the seashore
December! a season to celebrate a season to put behind all bad moments and write down new stories .

opening hearts to new desires and leaving the past exactly where it belongs
There's power in the ending it brings new opportunities, love, desires, so be it let the touch of December's midnight change lives as the skies glow with different tones colours from fireworks .

count down to a new year hopes of new life
there's merrymaking everywhere and whispers of joy fill the land with beautiful colors throughout the streets
so let the whine glass clinks get louder as we toast to new beginnings .

it's like a fairyland and all the little children join in and make the celebrations alive singing
jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way all fun it is to ride in one horse open sleigh hey!!
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