

We Played With Possibility
We played with possibility, perhaps, though I can really only speak for my part.
Who knows how much you held in reserve.

You taught me a lesson in boundaries, and I learned it well.
With you, I was mist.
Just a moist shifting with no definition.
Sticking to your skin.
Taking on your shape.

You were ascended air, thin and turbulent.
I tried to keep up.
Maybe you made it to heaven - Mercury can do that - but I cooled and could not.
I became heavy, collecting myself,
Gathering the scattered bits of mist,
Seeing the storm coming that would be your leaving and my fall.

But those piles of me allowed me to see a glimpse of the king up in his realm. Lightning in his hands. It was I who carried him across the sky until eventually I fell.
For fall we must, so we can flow. First downward, that's the law, but then, as drops of ourselves collect, we take shape and direction, winding a new path to the sea, nourishing others with our knowledge of the sky.

#relationships #love #sky #air #water #nature
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