

Ashes to Ashes Dust to Dust


I Am Michael
Bridget Dirisu
The War Torn Poet

I rose from the ashes
A true warriors Heart and Soul
Seeking Blood and Guts
Only finding pain and sorrow
Never escaping the true

Meaning of real torture
Finally time has past at last
I feel normal again
If there truly is a normal
In any sense of the word

Pain and Sorrow
heals in time with God on my
Side the tormented spirits
Reside deep inside locked away
never to see the light of day

No matter the cost
I live and feel the pain always
struggling fighting with
One foot in the grave the other
Planted rooted deep in the

Ground eye's watching for
The Hurst only God has the cure
for this curse that reside
Deep inside of me part
Human, Angel, Demon, and Ghost

Forever Tormented by All
But never giving into this true sin
never losing sight of the Holy fight
that Rages in my Holy Ghost
One day I'll lay my Holy Swords

To the ground and he'll
Let a True Warrior rest in peace
Until that day God's Will
I pray will be done packing
Heaven with the Souls of
Leading you all to Heavens gates
One prayer at a time

Oh Father forgive them of there past
Sins and transgressions
For they know not what they do
following false Gods...