

"Nothing to Hide"
"Nothing to Hide"
                 By: Harlee Charamut

I put up with what I feel is
My fair share of accusations & names
And you say you don't know me anymore
When you're the one who's changed!!
You never even so much asked me
You just came straight out the gate
I thought we were tighter than that
And with each other we could always be straight
But you started saying what I was doing
When I was doing no such thing at all
And it's ONLY been YOU and I've NEVER
Had NOBODY else "on call'
Nobody else has been on the side
There's been nobody but you
You're the ONLY PERSON I wanted to be with
And THE ONLY PERSON I got close to!
I never saw any of this coming
Cause I never had anything to hide!!!
For you showed me you were there for the long run
And down when it was a bumpy ride
You think I lied our ENTIRE relationship
Which isn't the case either
We have to fix this now or I can't see This goin any further neither
We're supposed to be positive & build up each other
But lately it's been nothing but negative
energy for one another
This relationship didn't have to disolve
Everything is just falling apart
I know what love is and how the Bible describes
I LOVE YOU  & always have from the start
I don't know what to do
I'm so lost without you sometimes
I want us to be how we were
When it was hardcore ride or die
You always seemed to be down for me &
I had been down since the word GO
And I won't give up
Until you say we can't do this anymore
Look deep in your heart Lukky
Cause you know IT WON'T lie
Why would I be so adamant about this?!
It's because I have NOTHING to hide!!
But I've put up with what I feel is
My fair share of accusations & names
I'm STILL the same person you fell in love with
But I think YOU'RE the one that's changed!!!

© De Ona Charamut