

Seventeen. She was just at that age
when her beauty was more about
her youth and less about the dream.

She didn't need make-up to shine.
Hers is the first flush of womanhood
that gets noticed; has her first in line.

Has the brains but not wisdom, yet.
She uses her appeal to press ahead
but is unaware of trouble she may get.

Seventeen. A blossoming figure hers
but has yet to have those experiences
that shape a life with things it's seen.

Don't rush to grow up and be all his.
Love a little, laugh a lot, and travel
fall under it's spell, but not of his kiss.

Be your own woman, make your plan.
Find yourself in the great wide yonder
don't rush to define yourself by a man.

Seventeen. How I wish you all the luck
knowing how hard it is, I remember -
we recall how we were; keen and green.

© .Garry Saunders