

My Inner Poet
As I was born, a poet born with me
witnessing everything, my sinless childhood

My mother love, oh! she is so good,

the dawn of eternal joy and dreams

the pop music in me that reign supreme

my childish stammered speech

and my fast falling asleep.

As the time goes by, my twin poet saw me studying countless night

with greasy patches of light

everytime my foot touched the football

the look on my face said it all

saw me supporting my family at a tender age

with zero sign of depression and rage.

My inner poet saw me hitting the proxies in the college, sweet were those days

asking our lecturers to decipher on bayes

friends turned brother

and I started chasing my dream lover

finally the college life also came to an end

it was really difficult to say final goodbye to my dearest friends.

Years passed and I lost in a bitter cask jar

never realised I came too far.

Seized up completely between whiskey, vodka and sake

in life, I held back and sober up too late.

You came in my life and it was my fate

I never needed you, I learnt it too late.

I thought she never leave me but finally she go away

my love for you will never be frey; come what may.

Alas! Now I feel myself in some despairing jail.

with tears in his eyes, my twin poet witnessing all my painful tale.

Often I asked my inner poet 'How long this will last'

clenching my soul between his teeth, he always whispers 'This shall too pass".

I can't bear this anymore, ' I wailed and I cried

too disturbed by his own sorrows, now my twin poet says to me' Come let's commit suicide'.

'Gagan let's commit suicide'

'Come lets commit suicide'.

© Gagan Khurana