

wondrously high
The heavens are making lines in the sky,
Followed by roaring sounds,
So loud, could be heard and seen wondrously high,
With bits of colossal shaking pounds

The heavens paint the sky with strokes of light,
A masterpiece unfolding before our eyes,
Thunderous applause, nature's grand delight,
A symphony of wonder beneath the skies.

Clouds part like curtains on nature's stage,
Revealing a spectacle both fierce and serene,
Lightning dances in an electrifying rage,
Nature's power, a force to be seen.

Rain falls softly, a soothing lullaby,
Cleansing the earth with its gentle touch,
A whisper of peace as the storm passes by,
Leaving behind a world that feels so much.

In the aftermath, a calmness descends,
The air is fresh, the world renewed,
Nature's beauty, a cycle that never ends,
In every storm, a promise imbued.

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