

Poem dedicated to 1D
You make me 'Strong'
You always did
I might not be 'Olivia' or 'Diana'
But there are 'Moments' when you
Made me feel like I am.
I've been 'Up all night'
Listening to the 'Best song(s) ever'
Oh how 'I wish', I could feel it all 'Over again'
'I want' only 'One thing'
For y'all to be back, to come 'Home'
I've got 'No control' anymore
Cause 'Everything about you' makes me feel 'Alive'
All those 'Little things' 'Stole my heart'
I'm on the topmost 'Clouds' and
No one can 'Drag me down'
Directioners are 'Still the one'
That won't leave you, never
In a million years
Well, the 'Night changes' way too fast
Carrying a lot of 'History' with it
I just wanna wish y'all good luck
And live 'Happily', cause you know
We only live 'Once in a lifetime'

(I tried to include as many 1d songs as possible)
#10yearsof1d #proudof1d #onedirection #harrystyles #louistomlinson #niallhoran #zaynmallik #liampayne #foreverdirectioner

© Prayashi