

**A Girl in a Book**
I wish I was a girl in a book,
A world where life is bright,
Where the universe revolves around me,
And everything feels right.

Where each moment is a masterpiece,
And all things fall in place,
Where I’m the hero of the story,
In a life of endless grace.

Sad days would be wrapped in poetry,
With beauty in each tear,
Happy days would glow with peace,
With every joy sincere.

In that world, I’d find my strength,
Within every written line,
Where people see the real me,
And never misalign.

They’d accept my every quirk,
And understand my heart,
In the pages of my story,
We'd never be apart.

When I’m sad, they’d feel my sorrow,
When I’m happy, they’d rejoice,
When I find my true love’s arrow,
They’d share in my choice.

If heartbroken, they’d weep with me,
And feel my aching pain,
Yet cheer me on to rise again,
In the sunshine after rain.

I wish I was a girl in a book,
Whose life was read and known,
A character to inspire all,
In a world where love is shown.

People would follow my journey,
Through every high and low,
Standing by my side with fervor,
Wherever I might go.

They’d root for me through every challenge,
And cheer my every feat,
Through every plot twist and resolve,
In our shared heartbeat.

I wish I was a girl in a book,
In a world of written art,
Where every chapter, every page,
Reflects my truest heart.

A world where I’m the main character,
And the story’s gently planned,
Where readers fall in love with me,
And hold me in their hands.

In that perfect, crafted world,
They’d understand my core,
Living with me, line by line,
Forever wanting more.