

Forgiveness and grudges
Holding onto a grudge brings forth pain caused by someone else,

Unable to move through life peacefully due to others immoral judgements,

Living in a world of hell,
penalizing self at the cost of others unethical choices,

Making life harder with each passing day as hate slowly creeps in,

Suddenly maturity kicks in bringing confusion yet ready to move forward,

Staying humble when a Higher Power nudges their way towards forgiveness

Saying it's been long enough,
stop carrying this pain that controls your every move before it's too late

The process begins exploring new options
leading us along the way,

Putting one foot in front of the other as love comfortably takes its form,

Uneasily accepting this challenge,
allowing healing to provide security,

Never forgetting what's been done by taking a stand,
Placing boundaries where they're due,

No longer dying inside because of the sorrow of someone else's reactions,

Feeling happier each and every day,
Surprised at the weight that's been lifted off the chest,

Realizing an important lesson that forgiveness isn't for the other person but for self.

© Brandi N. Willard