

Resurrected Love
In dawn's embrace, the tomb laid bare,
As whispers spread upon the air.
The stone rolled back, the grave undone,
Proclaiming victory, the battle won.

From depths of death, He did arise,
With radiant light, triumphant skies.
The Son of God, in glory's reign,
Dispelling darkness, breaking every chain.

The empty tomb, a sacred sign,
Of life renewed, of love divine.
For death could not its hold maintain,
As Christ arose, breaking every chain.

In Easter's joy, let voices raise,
Proclaiming truth, resounding praise.
For in His victory, we find our own,
Through grace abounding, love fully shown.

So let the earth with gladness sing,
Of Christ our Savior, risen King.
In every heart, let faith resound,
For He is risen, forever crowned.
© Lily Grace