

Periods, Period.
Every month her womb copiously cries, bleeding to remind her that she is the creator's pride,
She smiles as it cries, refusing to weep even as searing pain tear her insides,
Five, six, seven, ten days of intense torture, she knows life goes on thanks to the gender representing 'her'.
'Periods' they call it and she dare not rest, as she continues to bleed every moment dying a million deaths.
She smiles as 'he' is born, will he be her rose or gift her a thorn?
When in every field she excels, he often sees red, her umbilical chord held 'him', yet 'he' becomes the reason for 'her' unrest
Creation needs 'her' flow and 'his' cells to propogate and let life grow, together they must run life's show
'Periods', an ache that she must suffer to put a stamp on her feminity, gifting her the beauty of motherhood, a marvel of creation saluting womanhood.
© nobody