

To our daughter Thato Zoe Motladile
To our daughter Thato Zoe Motladile
From the first day we laid our eyes on you
We knew you were a gift to be cherished

You filled our hearts with life and laughter
It was only befitting that you be named Zoe
For you were an embodiment of life itself

Your big and lovely eyes sparkled with life
Your round little face glowed with life
Your unpretentious smile lit our dull lives
Your tiny little voice brought a room to life

This life couldn't contain your vibrant energy
Some might say you left us early
But we say God has bigger plans for you
Others might say you are a loss to us
But we say God's assembly is for the most treasured:
You were a beauty
You were a gem
You were sweet
You were respectful
You were responsible
You were a daughter
You were a mother
You were a niece
You were a friend
You were a star
You were matured
You were dearly loved
And you'll be solely missed
Thato Zoe Motladile
But we know you are in good hands
Rest in peace our beloved daughter