

The Idyll of the Solitude
The Idyll of Solitude

Often in the bushes , I watch out some creatures
Wherever I behold into the looms of night
It growls in silence that asserts fleas to cry
And buzz in me to clad the frost showers..

The inmates of villa keep propelling the fear
The wolves whimper to smack down the moon
Often do I find myself wandering over the yard
In those melancholic nights of the winter..

So quick the unpopulous village fall asleep,
My juggling innocence crawls out as a child
Often do I find being kept in it's solitude
when the snow peeps into my chilly window slip..

Calmly the breezes blow flattering the leaves
So quitely that disturbs the silence of the site
As a companion to the night and to it's mares
Often do my conscience , claps in my ears
Until into the darkness, my queer mind dives..

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