

They tell me it's easy
They tell me I need it
They tell me it's a sweet part of life
They tell me it's compulsory
They tell me it makes me feel cool
They tell me it would be a wonderful experience
They tell me it would be a very amazing experience
They tell me it's a smooth road to walk
They tell me it usually ends well.

Here I am, seeing the opposite of what I was told
If I had known,
I would have remained with me
I would have waited for the right time
I would have turned deaf ears to their lies.
I would have never fallen for the pressure
I would have known it would not end well

DISCLAIMER: The essence of this poem is not to mock anyone in a young relationship or to paint you relationships as a relationship that wouldn't last but all it's meant for is to tell you that sometimes, it's better to wait for the right time because not all young relationships end up well. Some people have been mishandled while in young relationships and they regret it now. So, why not achieve all you have in mind while you're still young rather than engaging in a relationship that doesn't guarantee survival.
© Aiyo