

what’s the point
Here in line at chick fil
when all of a sudden God gives me Epiphany-a

Another lie from the world's perspective revealed to me.

It is easy to put on the fake face of Christiane-y

Trying to fool those around us with our God talk, But How many of us really walk the walk

blind leading the blind is what it appears to be

Masses are blind to true reality.

Walking through the thick gray haze of the daily grind.
Trying to survive the lies of the times:

small reminders of truth here and there

I look at the battlefield of souls everywhere,
To win souls back to God is the calling we have on our lives.
I pray to be courageous enough to step onto the tides
Into unknown where Jesus stands.

I heard his call and I trust his plan.

lies you lived for so many years

Suddenly the truth is crystal clear.

And to all this I say…
empty words on a page.

Sure Not helping me or you or them…

So what is the point of The evil and the sin?!?!?