

Phoenix, my little girl, I see you
I see you every time
I see you as they hit you
I see you as they mock you and laugh
I see you as they ridicule and trample over you
The noose tightens around your emaciated, bruised neck
I see you drown in your tears
I see you detest that perpetual spark of hope that still glows
I see you. Ostracized. Afraid. On the run with a thousand bullets a second behind

And I see your titanium armour

I see your strength and resilience as you hold back the tears that have stung you to numbness.
I see you rise above the rubble of your wreckage of a past
The torturous past I left you to bear
Alone. Friendless. Repressed.

I see you on fire
Engulfed in the flames as they wound your wounded skin. They rip apart your torn flesh. My tears do nothing to relieve you of the feel of lava in your veins

How do you do it? Live through the hell of a life I left you to?

© 2023 by Mizuki Shinji