

Delicate haze
Lost in the spaces of my life's greatest regrets, here I am!
To the swiftly pacing world in chaos
where are people are deemed diligent, their lives they dedicate
For I am deliquent within my thoughts
as I myself shuttered the windows to the fascinating worlds,
while given a chance to be a butterfly without living a moth.

Success and happiness are divergent interpretations.
Now it's time for me to stick to my own sayings.
Nothing's huge, no one's petite
Life goes on within the boundaries of heaven
Now I'm accepting my failure and beginning from zero.
Yet a different game each time I fail.
Millions of chances I have, to reach the pinnacle; but the ladder, I have only one
Can't forget my true dream while I hang on to this perfect grab
Flickers of distracting colours shouldn't make me lose back my time.

Maiden job ain't a choice but a perfect path has already been paved by Jesus.
Just in a blink, He's putting infront
then no more predicaments further exist
Life goes on, on and on, utter blunders happen, until on God I lean.
If I work hard enough, none can bluff my desired success.
Had I done it earlier, my learning would've been different!

© Rachel Snowy