when accomplishments resist achievement
Despite your accomplishments you believe your life is going nowhere, and future achievements are in jeopardy on the road to somewhere.
not able to see any destination on right way
sunk away in dark delve like blind fish in eerie state
awaiting for the light & oxygen to breath everywhere
sobbing eyes looking for helping hand
no one is visible in the distant nowhere
It seems as if everything is desolate & arid slowly losing consciousness due to fear
rolling down tears on cheeks
questioning oneself
where am i right now? Where do...
Despite your accomplishments you believe your life is going nowhere, and future achievements are in jeopardy on the road to somewhere.
not able to see any destination on right way
sunk away in dark delve like blind fish in eerie state
awaiting for the light & oxygen to breath everywhere
sobbing eyes looking for helping hand
no one is visible in the distant nowhere
It seems as if everything is desolate & arid slowly losing consciousness due to fear
rolling down tears on cheeks
questioning oneself
where am i right now? Where do...