

Spirit who could not be broken

They whip you into their merry clay of invalidation
They write you down in history with lies and illusions to rent your reputation.
So forlorn was their case that they relish in the fall of another even their own brother drunk in the sumptuous worship of the deity of self, they have sentenced God into oblivion for there was no love for fallen wheats of winter, why should there be any for summer
There should be no messiah said the broken souls their relish is to see the wheel that shattered them break their brothers.
The inventions of these mundane construction doth ever ensnare you with traditions and customs ever to enforce limitations oh warrior soul will thou be limited.
They gaslight you, they sweep you down, knock you down but like a true spirit you rise.
They say you could never ascend the heights of excellence and for the merry clay suite you
They whisper to you to take wide road that made them only but shadows of the cup of doom, merely living dead
They whip you with all their knavish tricks and clubs of their narcissism and they tire for you seem not of the earth o warrior soul.
They curse you for their whips seem to be only like the kiss of the dew
They are vexed to the veins for none of their devices can deter you, you that is not of the earth o warrior spirit
What enchantment have they to ensnare you oh free spirit for the bond and cages deny you habitation
They are astound and bamboozled by the constancy of your constitution
Oh you, warrior dumbfound their mental constructions
Oh extra terrestrial being that no terrestrial faculties could fathom
Son of heaven, daughter of Elysium thou art Spirit that could not be shattered
Oh they stare at you asking what an enchantment that is impregnable, oh what enigma that cannot be unpuzzled
For you are the son of heaven
You are the enchantment that cannot be undone
You are the enigma that cannot be unraveled
You are the one whose footsteps are like the dance of the spirits, conundrum, conundrum the bemusement of the broken soul, you trend with the steps of a conqueror and the conquered murmur and shiver, you are SPIRIT
You are the standing gatekeeper whose stance is that of a rock that no whip of fate can ever break
You are SPIRIT who could not be broken.
You are the sacrosanct hammer the breaker of chains
Oh black stallion of very cold winter that no storm could vanquish
They stare in astonishment that the wheel that shattered them could not break you
For you are the offspring of Olympus and the earth you are the son of heaven, the son of ether, the son of matter
They stare at the battle as you vanguish their vanguards wondering and pondering what brightest heaven of inventions fashioned you, you the unfashioner of their fashion. into the very tears of and tempest nothing could startle you oh free spirit oh quintessential spirit that could not be broken
You are SPIRIT the content of this holy shrine
Pure soul that the corruption of base mortals could not taint your apotheosis
You are SPIRIT when the devils and demons who dance around your environments to destroy and shatter every fibre of your soul, you only smile for even though the heavens should fall or hell should erupt it will never dent your will oh non-conformist

For you are SPIRIT
© Goodlive Ukeseme Godfrey