

Empty Heads
Your mind is torture
Here there is no order.
When we need distractions
We break into factions where you learn to keep blank thoughts
They'll be empty,
There'll be lots.
Surround yourself with empty heads
Filled with voids of existential dread.
Keep distracted or you'll be dead.
And keep heed of the words I said.
Every day you're living is a fight
Focus on the battle worth more than your life.
Every breath you take is another stake in the win.
You can't stop fighting because you don't lose until you give in.
Look back in your corner and see your reflection.
It's been you the whole time.
Every battle you've been here no less.
Unimportant is the issue is the reason for your stress.
You make it through and through
When you're feeling blue the real is untrue.
No one understands its only you in your shoes.
You've finished every race so keep your pace and show your face.
Nothing to hide because you have pride
Knowing you belong in this place.

© Yoda