

Crushed Origami into The Fireplace
I have dreams which i can't bear to see ,
unfulfilled desires crackling in my fireplace origami.
Futile promises stay ,
Smoke everywhere.
late night lit up cigars.
Burnt stains,
on my hollow heart.
I stare at it with an enamoured daze.
Pumping only sparks of fireworks,
under the dark sky's delicate rain.
Drenched and deep in roses and agony,
This little heart finally smells like romance.
All i wanted was to dance .

Aren't you supposed to be full of joy?

Everything I saw as my reason to believe in myself,
Fades away like pen marks on my worn out hands,
When I wanted to etch it deep into my skin.
Engrave it into the bones of my stumbling skeleton.

Take me away as i ride the swans headed towards sunset storm
I try screaming a muffled song,
For the swaying flowers hiding their yawns,
For the playful poets cursing the dawn,
While carving sonnets about it's mysticism,
On the tensed whitewashed walls of their prison.

© Shinch3davinc3