

My love language

The sapiophile sanctuary, dressed in delicate yellow parchment and crisp alabaster papers, bound in
twine on leather and some glued together,
a mysterious cauldron of words, Adonis of rooms;
The Library, invites me into its majestic midst!

Books, my only love language, beckons me
and I follow wholeheartedly, for all it offers,
the ultimate act of mind- care, subjectively serving
to the wings of fantasy, words and wonder printed
into memories, servicing spirits soldiering on!

These hands of mine that flip through the pages affirm an endearing love, that gift of life which surpasses all others,
a token and a promise, from one saying that-
your time, space and mind is valued
and this companionable silence is my offering to you!

Didactic and delightful, the stories read direct and deliver, harsh realities and hard-boiled truths
in fitted faux fables and fictitious tales that go beyond any reality constructed or construed, where
we find fine our varied selves- in friend and foe alike!

Books, my only love language,
counted as the sixth supreme and solemn,
are love notes sent between two minds
privy to a vernacular of their own and all those
savvy secrets contained within those lettered rooms!

© the_acataleptic