

strange thing
One night
In the brightness of the moon
I saw you coming
You grab my hand
I Dont know where we going

In the forest of god
where trees is tallest among men
and were the fruits
is the most delicious

I saw you saying a word
I responsed and shout
Then you stared at me
And Walk away

I am searching for you
Then theres a Beautiful parade
Passing by
I run as pass as i could

I saw a broken street
I ran and I saw you
Then you ran away again

Im sad walking then i saw
A small altar
I saw you again
I just walk slowly then i found you there

We just talk calm
and no worries and hesitation
Talk things that we didnt talk
for a longest time

Then i saw things lights all over
then i wake up
Oh its only just a dream

© barbiepark444