

Every Night is a Nightmare
The nights had untold tales
Unheard by the loved ones
There had been many nights
When your name was on my fingertip.
Only to realize that my texts
Will turn into just another story
That can't be understood .
I wish you could exactly feel
The void in me , longing for your care
I wish you could exactly feel
What I go through
I wish somewhere you could show
That sympathy you feel for a random person.
I believed people will be there for you
When you need them the most
But I was always left wrong.
You could never be available
Every moment I need you the most.
I feel things are meant to be like this
Otherwise why do you break my trust unknowingly.
I am still confused and clueless
Am I wrong or it's you being right ?
When will things seem meaningful ?
Maybe years after when I find someone else , Right ?

© tales by ekru