

timely cries
There is an enemy that breathes down my neck and into my ear.

This imp is desiring to sift me as wheat and I naturally fear

However with the spirit of God there is nothing that can overtake me.

I walked out into the darkness many years ago but I have a promise that you will never leave nor forsake me.

The author and the finisher of my faith, who will see me through

I need the desire in me to change and for him to make me brand new.

Consecrate my life, wash my hands and make my heart pure.

These things are required Lord I alone can not please you in this I am sure

I have created this mess, the infestation of all these wicked and nasty things

I need your mercy and your blood and the cleansing that it brings

Only this blood, only this love, can change this place

Only one touch only one prayer and I can be fed

I am desiring to eat with my father, kill the fatted calf

I am going through hell and every demon in hell I hear laugh

Taunting me saying I can not win, but you're the victory time and time again

Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End. Wash me with your blood make me free from sin.