

The Cost of Staying
What more of me could I give
Just to make you stay, to let love live?
I've offered my heart, my soul laid bare,
Yet still you waver, drifting elsewhere.

Each whispered promise, every tender touch
Seems not enough, though I've given so much.
I've poured my dreams into your hands,
Hoping you'd see, hoping you'd understand.

But what more of me could I bestow
To chase away the lingering shadow?
In the quiet hours, when doubt takes flight,
I search for answers deep into the night.

Is it my laughter, my tears, my pain
That bind us in sorrow, like a heavy chain?
Or perhaps it's a whisper of something more,
A hidden truth in love's ancient lore.

But what more of me could I reveal
To show my love is genuine, real?
I've given all, and yet you stray,
Leaving echoes in the break of day.

In the end, my heart knows this truth:
Love can't be forced, it needs no proof.
So I let you go with a heavy sigh,
For love must be free, as time goes by.

© sionx