

My Mentality
I crave that part,
The place I've been from the start.
I know no different,
My mental capacity is spent.

I look but I cannot see,
I'm not sure who to be.
Do I smile?
Upload the feelings from a file.

Most would say don't be fake,
But there's nothing left to take.
It's easy for them,
They can remain so zen.

It's like a black hole,
A never ending bowl.
It's never full,
And it's almost always dull.

There will be phases,
Times away from the hazes.
You're on top of it all,
But just edges from the fall.

It grabs you and drags you down,
Takes away everything and makes you frown.
Makes you feel so low,
And leaves you with nothing to show.

And here's the joke,
I've never felt so woke.

© A G M Capper