

Narcissist's Fault
Nature creates the creatures,
the creatures whom we snub
Admiring solely to own beauty
Delusioned by the vanity
Abiding to a narcissist's approach
Forgetting to cast our 'beads' & adore,
for beads they've become,
acting as a rudimentary part.
The curiosity that once burned there
when we were infants,
now lie shattered, replaced by
Judging 'whether one's fair'!

Creatures carrying beauty within
setting my notions of beauty,free
'See not through thine twinkling beads'
My heart utters, 'See it by me!'
For their beauty lies hidden
among the thousand little secrets
of firmament.

Inevitable it seems to avoid the truth
that lies deep inside the creature's skin
For every creature is uniquely made
Designed by 'The Sculptor' ITself
No rights we possess to slay them
Or to even judge their purity

#writcopoems #motivational #philosophical #setyourselffree #nature #admiringbeauty #vanityended #truth

© The Infinity