

Banshee Screams Can't Compare
My soul screamed, out loud
Yesterday when my heart was torn...
When I thought he was forever
Gone away
A Banshee's scream cannot compare with the pain I felt right then and there
I cried and sobbed and beat my fists
It cannot end like this!
It started with unseen sobs
That turned into a wail with shudders
As I sobbed with my head on the covers
"You thought I left",
He was heard to say
"Fuck you", my reply
For he had walked away
I don't like to cry in front of others
All ugly wet streaks, with shudders
I wanted to suffer solo
Like prior pain I used to know
All to well
Was already going rapid fire, through stages...
Grief followed by rages
Acceptance, fuck that!!
Retreat inward, withdraw silently, emotions turn flat...
Alone I sat
But he came back, to join in;
The nerve of him!
Go away....
STAY!!! don't leave
All raw emotion,
Heart bleeding on my sleeve
Dripping down through the tears and my frown
His sobs and tears joined my own
Together, sooooooooo alone
Pressure from work and family
Put him in a bind
Otherwise, break up had been
The farthest from his mind
I reigned my emotion in
I won't let us end
I heard myself say
We're "on a break"
Because there's no other way
But find new work, till you can move in
Till then, "on a break" is what we'll stay
And I still want to see you when you can find a way.
He agreed with a shuddering squelched sob of relief and sigh
We then watched a movie with no more cries and questions of why

© JoyWhitsonBell