

Gravitic Pull.
Lunar orbit, gravitational tug or war, Darkside, swim with the tide, swish back, Terminal, velocity checker the Blackbox as to a grammerphon, floor record, hitter, like killer, fight back to board flight 747 against what goes up must come back to 9.8 meters per second, big crack wack, floor filler, think quicker, beat the constant straign of gravity, mother all fuckers like nature. pulled down, weighed in, life's universal laws dictates and sets each vibration, death iS a choice, birth the same, polarised version of equal opposites beautiful opportunity all the same. Can't afford any luxuary, graphic design, naturistic grain, deep collection of connection on my mind. Ocean Wisdom, explore the astral warm blooded spirit Kingdom. reach for the stars, what you can see may have already deceased. get a good visual to let matter actually fucking matter, less of the chatter. Be blessed in a very tricky corrupt FM ... test ya manifest to see more, materialise ya own life, invent the best, get some rest. 20/20 clear vision , ..... third eye pineal lands like a sand of time , a clear veiw of the sky do try to decalicify the mind, land on the ground. project Intense astral times. take proper flight, we can control spirit and soul, know it right ,like a supermarine spitfire, the merlin rolls royce, quantum leaps inro anti gravitic rolls, propulsion from ufos..... Human control , eon old races of ETs here long before any of us bros, reverseengineerd galaxy, some say samsung, from steam engine to silicon, tit of the old block.. Sat beneath the Apple tree a forbidden ftuit fell, Newton knew it. hidden in plain sight, to much as to fright the masses are quite shite, this sort of info is held by very few, potentiality for anti establishment behaviour,thank fuck for the freedom of speach. hide like wrinkly ninja.
right in front of you. Chat on atmospheric preasure its a single bar flow. no matter, what everr the colour of the sky, we are allways held down by the constant gravitic Gary Nevel, very heavy, bang on the level, barometer checker paramatera setter, like Mercury get madder turned, savage, avoid dense behaviour and try to manage. tragic facts hurt the worse like 18 button combo on mortal kombat, fatality,..... finish him, did it with love and artisitic liience alone. didn't drop a thing. dictate the stormy weather like, weather man. hopefully it just blows over. Proper titanic killer. drop it quicker, unsinkable ship cracker, from down hull very nice people... Deep demographic turned savage when at sea after a lovely tea, first class sitters, transatlantic hopeful nip across the pond, Shurley nothing can go wrong. expensive tickets, big travisty . wagu meat on plates, fine bone china, change of business hands and generation wealth switch up, watch this vessel drop and flip the script. oceon either sides, mmassive block of ice.
.. ten men up masts, binoculaaaar fixed on the horizon, one job to do Nd they sailed directly into..not the thing to do. Too much money on board corrupted by its own sword , excalaber, merlin wizard warlord. gravity constantly wanting , milking tits, turning milk to cheese, then matured deep inside a cave proper deep, moldy fungi to be with. rockfort but not to come short. mushoom for improving, learn from more, careful setter of the tone..this force was a strong vibrational force, watch it take hold ,weird human beings, exposed to the gravitational load. big planet livin, quick spinners, solar expedition.....naughty.missions, atomic mass, splitting atoms, leads to a time map ,24/7 connect more . leap year this time call it 366, stary eyed,
tonight doont plunder under preasure whatever the weather, gravitifc warp and time dilation, orbit set incredibly impeccable, must be a coded universal machine, some sort of a test.
built beyond complexity, supreme beings big boy creators, our zone, 14.5 billion fucking years...this iS old, remember not to fold.. or buckle, vessel has to displace the place to float the rest.thizs was my place in the first place, rest my case
this was strong to say however less said, told you my mate this is more important that doing the plates , critical mass heavy, damage, state of mind. constants on average a mean way to...play along to the universal flow,its these higher vibrational laws tthat dictate your dimmensinal place, be kind and have love to bring or move on you have no idea the levels you are setting.. droped like a stone back to terminal velocity. Gravity. 1 8th on the moon.

written by Rory Mayoh. 20/08/2024
© Rawkus Poetry