

Counting upon myself
Others take on me,I don't read
Sometimes,I'm like a raging river
and other times,a silent stream,
Is what we see a reality?
or is it just a vibrant dream?

When I speak about occult science
Am I passionate or obsessive?
it's a matter of perspective
you may make quick decision
But your opinion is Subjective.

If I am out of trend
Am I eccentric or insane?
Demented and deranged?
I won't argue with the claim
that I'm totally wierd and strange .

See,the way that we perceive
it shapes the way that we believe ,
But do not be self-decieved
things aren't always what they seem
put this in your heart ,better be convinced!

In my perspective I count upon myself
things I did,yet to be done
My Dear life,I stay bulletproof
of critical opinions that
interfere between me and you.