

Fractured bonds
The taste, bitter, lingers on my guilty tongue,
A lesson learned when I was yet too young.
The world lies shattered, countless pieces strewn,
Each shard holds stories, in the pale light of the moon.

As the moon ascends, the world's pain it shrouds,
In a gentle night's cloak, it softens the world's loudness.
Closing my eyes, I seek a peaceful nest,
But where did the love I knew find its rest?

My family, my refuge, now seems so far,
In each fragile step, I bear the world's scar.
A world transformed, love's light now fades,
In this fragile shell, through life's maze.

In this desolate world, love's remnants decay,
The family I knew has all but slipped away.
As fragile as eggshells, our bonds have all broke,
In this heart-wrenching silence, I silently choke.

Alone in the darkness, I wander and roam,
In a world devoid of love, I've lost my home.
With each fragile step, I bear the weight,
Of a fractured world where love met its fate.

No guiding moonlight, just shadows that creep,
Through a loveless world, where sorrows run deep.
Each moment, a reminder of what's been lost,
In this endless night, I pay the cost.

The taste of regret, a bitter refrain,
In this heartache and solitude, I remain.
The family's warmth, a distant memory,
In this world of brokenness, I'll find no remedy.

© Plasmagrapes