

What do You Know?
What do you know?
What do you know about me?
Yes,we should be the most closes ones
We should know everything about one another but...
Do you?Do you know me?
Cuz i don't think so..

Yes,you've seen me angry
Happy and cry in anger
But have you seen me cry in sadness?
Have you?cuz i don't think so...

Do you know your'e the ones
that i'm in pain?

You hurt me like no other
You don't know me enough
But act like you do.

You've never asked about me
You've never asked about my pain
You've never cared enough to see me suffering
So i shoved it all away
Keeping them all in and
Them eating me out
Day by day
So don't say that you know me
Cuz it hurts me more
When i know you don't.

© lost_in_mymind 2023