

Thing I never said
many thoughts came up to my head , yet i do not remember any
As i named this peom , thoughts full of sorrow and grief rushed my mind
I hate how i look , Let only what I am
I want to scream , wail , leave
All I ever wanted was to feel loved without having to be pretty , useful nor present
But all I ever did was refuse love as it never felt real
it feels so weak , i hate it , who would want love ?
I'd rather be poweful and disciplined
So i went by that , i sought Pride , dignity , respect
Whatsoever I still feel weak for how foolish I am
I , A hopefull weakling , full of affection I do not know where to put
I can never distinguish bad from good , so I distance myself
Whatever it is that i feel , see , do , I keep to myself
I have always only ever felt hatred , fear , humiliaiton
For they do not know what i have endured
Everyone is against me including my own
or perhaps not
My vision is staarting to become blurry
what is it this time ? oh , again , Grief.
They hate me but i could never agree more
All they have ever known is the hatefull , and bittter Me
But who am I ? I really do feel love. I love I feel I care
but I am ashemed of those feelings so i hid them
i hid them till i killed them
What have i done ? well , i do not really care i have always been hated and will always be. let it be what is anything good for anyways !

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