

The Tall Man Cometh
The Tall man watches.
The Tall Man Waits.
He plays a good game
It's a pity that game is finished.
The woods are full of fear.
The bushes rustle and the mirror cracks.
The blood just keeps coming back. The Dead return from their rest. No sleep comes to those who wait for the tall man to come.
Beautiful rest you dream of the day the nightmares won't haunt your mind.
How can one enemy be so strong?
What gives such a man his strength?
The strength of 20-30 men he possesses .
He takes all you love and crushes all your dreams of hope.
He makes you think you've been living a dream this whole time.
He whispers to your mind softly but harshly he speaks to your brain, You're nothing but a bad dream I made up, you aren't real, you never existed.
He locks your mind within a sphere and crunches down what's left of you.
He is the tall man. He's seen the future he's seen the past.
The Universe holds no mystery for him.
Everything that unknown is known to him.
All your secrets are uncovered and unmasked before him.
His heart is hot with harsh intent. He has a drill in his hand he assures no pain will come
The pain comes anyway.
The Tall man operates on your brain while your awake. He slices through your mind while you sleep. He's gentle and eloquent, austere as the grave, if you do not become his servant you will become his slave
The Tall man tracks you wherever you go
He knows your every thought and sees your every dream.
He claims you have no one to look after you but him.
He claims you are alone.
Not even through death can you escape his towering shadow.
Death will not free you from his grasp.
Death is his domain exclusively .

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