

🗽Liberty and Justice
Justice and Liberty

In fields where shadows long have lain,
And whispers speak of silent pain,
There grows a seed of hope and might,
For justice and for liberty's light.

Through halls of power, echoes rise,
Of battles fought 'neath starry skies,
Where voices, once in chains confined,
Proclaim the freedom of the mind.

Justice, blind, yet keenly wise,
Seeks truth beneath the veils and lies,
With scales held firm and sword in hand,
To guard the rights of every land.

Liberty, with wings unfurled,
Embraces all within this world,
A beacon bright, a guiding star,
That shows us who we truly are.

Together, they forge paths anew,
In hearts of many, brave and true,
A testament to what can be,
When justice walks with liberty.

So let us raise our voices high,
For every dream that dares to fly,
And stand as one, in steadfast might,
For justice and for liberty's light.