

Ghost Ship 👻 🛳
Ghost Ship

A full moon glowing like a candle

A mysterious and spooky phantom ship sailing in the ocean fog

Ominous gray ocean fog thick as smoke

Ghosts floating in the ocean fog haunting the ocean

Lost souls at sea - an ocean lament; ocean tombstone of the ghosts at sea

Candles burning - a flame of hope for the lost souls at sea in search of home

A spooky phantom ship filled with ghosts and skeletons
Lanterns on the ghost ship flickering with orange candle flames
Casting long shadows on the walls
Orange candle flames glowing like a full moon
Ghosts floating in the candle flames
Candle flames of ghosts dissipating like smoke
A haunting melody of the ghost ship chills the air
A mournful cry of ghosts and phantoms
An icy cold wind blowing in the air
Frightening sounds of the ghost ship, chilling my bones like ice

Its maiden voyage descends into the depths of the murky ocean waters
Tombstones and bones lie at the bottom of the sea
Ghosts and phantoms haunt the ocean waters

The ghost ship vanishes into the ocean fog, leaving behind a haunting legacy

A haunting legacy of ghosts and phantoms

A haunting legacy of the ghost ship, sailing in the ocean fog under a candle of ghastly moonlight

Mysterious ghost ship that haunts the sea; a bone-chilling legacy of ghosts, phantoms, and skeletons in the ocean waters

Poem written by: Brett Strotman 📝

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