

An unbidden guide!
You came into my life unasked
You stayed in, upon your wish; and you still do
You were with me in my dark times
You were with me in my exhilarating joy
You pacified me, when I got mood swings
You stabilized me , when I was wavering
You refilled hopes in me , when they were lost
You taught me the lessons I was left unlearned
You belittled me ,as well as, praised me
You urged me to dream of impossible
You gave me instincts to go after my dreams
You asked me to not give upon things that I loved
You always found potentials in me that I had failed to see
You have choices for me
If a plan does not go well,
I know you will come up with next.

You had faith in me
But I stained your faith
Still you continue believing me
I wounded you mentally
But still your love for me is no longer alleviating
You have put up with me for 22 years
Eventually your thoughts are mine
Your words are mine
In short I am you and you are me
We both are living the same life
We both are sharing the same physique

But the only difference is
I am the only one visible to the world
I live in a world and you live in me.