

The Prey
I am born in a world full of evil
disguised in bright sunlight
but only brings darkness in your life
everyone has a mask
hiding their real devil inside
a girl is never left alone
everything around her looks so bright
until it starts to unveil it's true colours
she must see the reality of the world
doesn't matter if it's a 6 month old or a 6 year old
or a woman that's fully grown
the world will remain a living hell
swallowing her like a prey
a highschool boy to grown up uncles
from neighbours to her own teacher
she'll never be able to hide
from the parasites around her
we don't need to explore the whole world to understand people because from a young age we experience everything
from eve teasing to having men follow us around
from teachers touching us to doctors who instead of treating us show us a deeper and darker the real mindset of a man
we cry our eyes out before we even know
what we're going through
you don't know what it is but
you just know it's wrong and it hurts
when will we start to experience
real happiness and freedom?
or are we not worth it
I can't seem to understand at all!
© cinderellaspoetry