

Mr. Forgettable
You get mad at me for ghost you...but yet you of all people, did that to me first.
I loved seeing the bright smile on your face. The way you laughed when we called or messed around. The way we could js text and talk to each other about anything. The way you said that I could talk to you, that you wouldnt judge, that I could trust you. Yet you barely ever text me, unless you need something, or if your bored. You never talk to me in person unless, your bored, need something, or js wanna be funny. I want to be your friend, yet you said you "care" bout me, that was the biggest lie I've ever heard you say. Cuz if you did, you wouldn't randomly text me for days on end then randomly stop.. so if I stop texting, calling, and asking how r u doing. Then yk I'm giving up on you, and I knew you weren't true from the beginning, so this is goodbye to whatever lie in this so called friendship we were in.

© Tasha