

Never The End
A step back more
And all ends for her 
All dreams she built 
Leaves her in guilt 
The path she walked 
Just disappeared
Now she can't go back
Or neither forward
Stuck in darkness
Only emptiness
that she feels 

The knight of all fear 
Is closing the last door of hope forever
Is it really the end?
She will accept defeat just like that?

But the darkness has stars
That sparkles in her eyes
She rises up and starts running 
To stop the door from closing 

That knight takes out his sword
And attacks her with all her fears
Alas! She falls into the sea of Despair
Will she come back ever?
Struggling to float
She finds the last bit of love for her left 
Suddenly it makes the beautiful sword of faith 
And she takes that with strength
The scared knight steps back
But she comes forward 
Piercing straight into his heart
With all her might
The knight falls back
And at last dies

Infront of her a new road arrives 
Through the door of hope 
She takes a step forward again with hope 
With faith she steps on the road
And with love she moves forward 
Realizing it was never the end
Because colourful road ahead.
© pilosiank1729