

The Nightmare Alchemist II
"Beelzebub, leave me!" Yelling does no good

The two know I cannot fight my craving for food today;

I could, but they convince me there's no way.

Beelzebub says it's okay to have more,

The nightmare alchemist pulls at my core even tighter,

"Come on, you have never been a fighter"

"Beelzebub, leave me!" Yelling does no good

The two know I cannot fight the mistakes I would today;

I could, but they convince me there's no way

I drag myself away, punishing me,

I agree with my guilt and its frequent plea to worry

"I have all night, there's no need to hurry,"

As he laughs at my attempts to battle;

Beelzebub is mad and I realise that'll not suffice

"Free me from this nightmare, give me advice!"

"Listen," Beelzebub is at last speaking,

"I'm known to be kind when people are seeking solutions,

You needn't force any revolutions,

You know I'm a part of you already"

The alchemist watched us, I wasn't ready to hear more,

Sweat was dripping out of my every pore

"Be quiet," the alchemist yells gently,

Planning to watch me suffer, intently, the whole night-time,

"Eating so plenty was not a light crime!"

I know gluttony is within my soul

As is pride, as is envy, lust, greed, sloth whole and wrath too,

I just need to accept them all as true

And yet, the nightmare alchemist chuckles,

He understands me; I crack my knuckles and stay still

I cry because I don't know who to kill

"Beelzebub, leave me!" Yelling gives no aid,

With a disappointed face he eyes my will fade to dust

I have no patience to do what I must;

I'm scared of both freedom and locked cages,

A welcoming embrace will not set these pages free now

Because I can't make it honest anyhow

© shishmish