

Title: *Rain of borrowed Sorrow*
"A Lament of the Departed"

When someone passes away, and the rain starts to fall,
It's a sign that their spirit has found its way to the Skyfall,
Their soul has transcended, & is now free to roam with pride,
No longer bound to the earth, but free to soar & glide.

So when I depart, & raindrops start to fall,
It's a sign,my soul too is
leaving it all,
But no shrub or tree to shade, no place to rest my head,
My spirit wanders on, in sorrow & dread.

Oh, monsoon remember, till my final breath,
My relatives curse the squall & rain, that brings no reprieve,
No comfort comes, to ease my souls passing pain,
But only tears in the wet, that fall, like the raindrops, in vain.

I wait endlessly, till these droplet, fall on my pyre,
To quench the thirsty flames, that burn, my heart's desire,
To be free, from this world's, mortal strife,
And find solace, in the culminations afterlife.

Rain, oh rain, i sing,why dost thou come, so late?
When my heart's sorrow, can't be abated?
I weep, and wail, in this, my final hour,
For love, and loss, that I
cannot devour.

My soul, is torn, my heart, is broken too,
My spirit, is lost in this, my final adieu,
Oh, rain, oh rain i wail, have mercy, on my soul,
And wash away, my sorrow, and make me whole.

The rain, like tears falls from the heavens above,
A symbol of the love and the grief that we feel,
For the one who has left us, and the memories we
hold dear,
It backwashes & cleanse away the pain, & brings us comfort & heal.

Oh monsoon, your tear drops bring life to the parched earth,
And with your gentle touch, you give us new birth,
You wash away the old, and bring forth the new,
A reminder that life goes on, and love always shines through.

My miserable departed soul, who has no shrub or tree or place to sit,
Finds solace only in the downpour, & the memories I hold tight,
This monsoon season, brings me peace and reprieve,
A time to reflect, and remember, and grieve.

My departed soul stands all wet from relatives' tears,
But still, it doesn't rain, though their grief appears,
They don't know I'm watching, or hearing them as they pray,
For my soul's peace, to find a better heavenly way.

Away from devils, in a realm of eternal light,
Where love and joy, will banish the dark of night,
Their chants and prayers, a soothing balm to my soul,
As I ascend, to the heavens, my heart makes whole.

The downpour still holds, its tears, though my loved
ones weep,
But I am free, in the afterlife, my spirit does keep,
In their tears, I see, a love so true and deep,
A bond that death, cannot sever, nor sleep.

Their grief is a testament, to the love we shared,
A flame that burns bright, though my body's no
longer there,
Oh, rain, oh rain, why dost thou hold back thy grace?
When my loved ones, need thee, in this sacred space?

But still, I'll watch over them, from my heavenly throne,
And guide them through, the darkness, to a brighter dawn,
Their pyre, a symbol, of the love they hold within,
A fire that burns bright, though my body's reduced to ash and sin.

But my soul, it soars high, on the wings of their prayer,
And in their love, I find solace, beyond the grave's despair,
In the afterlife, I'll wait, for them to join me there,
Where love and joy, will reunite us, without a single care.

So come down oh rain drops, & wash away my pain,
Prithee,bring life to my soul, & heal my heart again,
For in your cloudy tears, I find the comfort and peace,
And the love of the one who has gone, I will always release.

As in thy waters, my soul seeks, a peaceful shore,
Where love, and joy, will be mine, once more,
But till then, I'll weep, & mourn, & sigh,
For the life, I lived, & the love, that said goodbye.

And though the rain,may not fall on my pyre below,
My soul will forever, be nourished, by their love
that glows.

For life's fleeting moments, I did stride,
With love by my side, where my heart would reside,
But now all's gone, and the memories remain,
Of the joy we all shared, & the love that would not wane.

Though the rain may not fall, on my pyres final rest,
But in my heart, our love will forever nest,
For though i am gone, my love will never fade,
And in my soul, their memory will forever be displayed.

Though I may not see, their smiling face,
But I'll hold on to love,& the memories of our place,
For in my heart, their love will forever glow,
And though i will be gone, our love at no point in time, will perpetually forever grow.

© Aneemkp