

Question me Questioning Love


I've went through the worst,
Having a one sided love affair,
I'd say look away or fling a glare
It still would mattter not to me

I say looking at my suitors...

The 19 year old Arab who had me at Habibi with an accent,
Or the colord who was broken but loved me and didn't care,
Or maybe the lad from Trinidad who was all I needed at 15years

I say this knowing that neither you would keep me near,
For all you care about is the hurt you fear,
I left all that burdened with tears,
Having realized that out of four
I would be left with nothing more

As I sit and lick my wounds
No one cares like I do
Yet I hurt the most

So I'll Question love effortlessly
While I break another heart gracefully

-💜 M.D.T
Dedicated to Daniel .N.