

Who is it that i am?
Am I the body that they call me?
Am I my mind?
Or am I something above both?

The very fact that my mind and body belong to me,
Separates me from them.
Is it me that I have to find,
To be able to know a fraction of the truth?

Where can I begin to search for me?
On the earth or in the sky?
For are they not both a part of me?
Or is it that I am a part of them?

What about you?
If I am a part of the earth and the sky
And so are you
Then are we not parts of each other?

They call me by my name,
But is that really me?
And if it is not, who am i then?
What should my name really be?

If I am a part of the sky and the earth,
Is there anything greater than me?
Or is everything simply as it should be
With everything interconnected equally?

Who can I approach for answers?
I think that will also be me or a part.
Maybe my questions represent a fresh start
And are more important than the answers.
Shefali Chatterjee
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