

Spiritual Deprivation
You ever been deprived? At first I thought it was killing me inside. Instead it made me live. I remember craving for affection but the lack of it pushed me to become somebody’s protection. Took away my freedom leaving me a lesson. Dragging me through the mud and I became a blessing. Nothing we go through is for nothing it’s destined. Days and days of staying up, prepared me for resting. Times I wasn’t hearing it, groomed my ears to list’N. Just because we different our value doesn’t less’N. Always in the house now I’m out on my quest’N Years without love , so is it out of the question? Moments couldn’t breathe , no air refilled my mind refresh’N. Used to think my cup was empty I was thirsty now it’s overflowing from east and west’N. Deprivation propels us to the destination. Souls get taken, heart left vacant, money was low now look at the bankN!! To God we thank’N sitting here think’N. Everything we couldn’t receive is the reason we GREATNESS! This is the season to believe, it’s power in our faintness.