

Deity of Spring
Under the heavy sky of the drumming clouds and greyish wind,
When leaves and flowers seem happy for changing skin,
Here I am and my heart and soul
craving to feel your presence,
To feel the power of your magic behind the wide curves of every lip and in the motion of every petal and leaves!

I do not dream of witnessing you
under a mistletoe but yes
I do wish to meet you under a big trunk of giggling leaves,
Holding voluptuous bunches of
rhynchostylis retusa in their chest
Because it's the season of happiness,
You're the joyous king while
Retusa obviously the queen!

Your arrival is known by all!
Birds talk, clouds whisper and also
you're in the words of humans!
You're in the beats of the drum and also in the tunes of the hornpipe…
Dear deity, you pass by
sprinkling raindrops over everything and I run being deranged.
Behind you, to you, for you with
my bare feet crushing the scutch grass!

I collect all the droplets and flowers that you left behind,
for myself selfishly....
As I wish to drown myself in the fragrance
and in the freshness.
As this happiness will help me in
erasing the smoke
tangled up inside my lungs,
And so I pick it up and run!

I want to be happy as the leaves are today,
Their colour green lures me and calls me
And asks me to leave the limits of a being.
They show me the face of the Spring God,
In every shade of colours of the flowers and
Also in the round patches of lawsonia on my palms.
Alas! I do want but I can't.

But as the temporary-ness of everything
Exists and so does farewell to Spring,
Truth prevails and nature's rule…….
Everything must come and go,
Every part has a section of happiness
And a part of sorrow!
He left with a promise inside a letter,
Blowing winds of kisses and a little thunder,
And I sit quietly searching the message
till the end of time.

© Astha Borah