

Echoes of Desolation: A Lament for the Drowned Souls
My pain, my pain,
Won't let me be, it asks questions.
How can I tell it, I know nothing? Ask my soul.
How can my soul tell my pain,
All is lost, everything screams, he himself screams.
No one is there to save him, nor me.
My soul is lost, my soul sinks.
No helping hand, stretched trying to save sinking us.
Let us sink, let us drown, the voices will.
Who can save us? Everyone is gone.
No one stayed, gone leaving us alone.
Hope! My hope jumped down and drowned before us.
Even I didn't give it my hand to grab.
I had watched it sink, it was cruel.
Now we cry, you cry and my soul cries.
My words hurt more than rose's thorns.
My blood, a puddle in which I'm sinking.
My Shadow hides in darkness, my shadow left me alone.
My home is a place, where my heart cries, my soul wails.
My pain, you are the only one who is alive, everyone else has drowned too deep.
Sinking in pain, we are sinking, no one will come, sleep.
Like we do, my only remaining friend.

© raionSAMIOKA

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